Monday, September 30, 2019

Pre and Post M&a Performance in Accounting Ratio Essay

There are loads of tools to measure the performance of a financial performance of an entity but financial ratios is probably the best known tool which is mainly to analyze the performance of an entity by comparing the present to the past relative figures taken or composed from the financial statement . The few categories of ratios are liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, efficiency ratios, debt ratios and market ratios which will be able to describe the entity’s characteristics. Ratios show the true performance and position of the entity. In order for investors to determine their choices of entity to invest in, financial ratios play an important role in providing sufficient information to users about the entity’s characteristic. We predict that companies are performing better after merger and acquisition and there will be an increase in profit of companies pre merger and acquisition compare to post merger and acquisition activities. However, the global merger and acquisition (M&A) market is expected to experience a modest increase this year following significant revisions in earnings expectation for 2009. Studies relatively prove that ratios are important but which ratios, among the loads of ratios which can be computed easily from the available financial statement, should be used to analyze to obtain a wise decision (Kung & Thomas, 1981); (Maretno & Howard, 1996). Problem statement Accounting ratios usage in merger & acquisition are not understood very well as to whether companies or investors are using accounting ratios to analyze performance pre and post decision making for M&A. Therefore, this study will try to find out as to whether merger and acquisition activities are caused by the use of accounting ratio when management tries to expand a company’s operation. Accounting ratios is wide in variety and is known for its diversities in calculating different ratios, which makes selecting the right ratio to do analysis on is difficult. Every company when making merger and acquisition decisions will have to go through different decision making process in their organization and not based solely on accounting ratios when taking actions. Things such as relationship of merging companies, financing matter or management efficiency are often overlooked in previous studies, therefore, apart from addressing the use of accounting ratio in making merger and acquisiti on, we will also address on other matters that are affecting merger and acquisition decision making. Companies that have made merger and acquisition in the few years will be analyzed whether merger and acquisition has benefitted the company. This analysis will have to be based on companies that have made merger and acquisition for few years so that analysis could be made to ascertain whether merger and acquisition has improved the company’s performance. The data that is collected could be redundant as the data collected could only be analyzed from the past. Apart from that, companies that are engaged in merger and acquisition will tend to keep their methods in acquiring companies as a secret; therefore, there is no information that will be disclosed to us when we are doing research. We will only be able to get information based on announcement on the Bursa Saham Malaysia and also annual report analysis on the companies that we will base our study on. Based solely on the annual report, we will have to analyze companies that have been engaged in merger and acquisition is perfor ming better as a company before merger and acquisition or after merger and acquisition. Studies that have addressed the problem Several past studies have shown several findings. There were significant improvements in the liquidity, leverage and profitability position of most studied companies. Normally, total assets consist of equity, debt and retained earnings to finance the corporation. In the study, it was found that total assets were always less than the debt plus equity for pre acquisition period, but after acquisition, it is positive. All the units selected for the study were sick, but after takeover five out of eight revived (Rao & Sanker, 1997). The acquiring firms had performed above the industry average and the acquired firms were below the industry average in term of size and profitability (Cosh et al., 1998). The firms recorded meaningful increase in their net earnings, and those with the successful merger of the firms, the return on capital employed and return on total assets, increased substantially with a significant percentage. The variability in the earnings (risk) of the pre-merger firms was significantly higher than that of post-merger firms (Agundu & Karibo, 1999). Pilloff (1996) finds no significant change in post merger ROE, however, when he utilizes operating income before provision instead of net income to calculate ROE, there is a significant increase in post-merger returns. Deficiencies in studies Unfortunately, most studies do not distinguish between healthy and troubled companies due to the relative scarcity of outright failures as an indicator of the latter. Data are not readily available to every person and critical data is only available to top level management, which causes analysis on company performance not accurate. Accounting ratios usage in studies are not standardized for number of ratios used and types of ratios used, making comparisons of this study to previous studies almost impossible. Some of the studies only find out accounting ratio performance before and after merger and acquisition, but they did not take into account the management performance improvement. Importance of the study Basically, the compelling reason for merger and acquisition is to make more money. This study analyses the pre and post performance in accounting ratio of various entities in Malaysia which involved in merger and acquisition. Therefore, it seeks to contribute to entities which look forward to expand their businesses by merging and acquiring entities in order to broaden their sources and to increase their performance as well as position of the entity. This study also justifies the importance of financial ratios as a tool in decision making for most users to merge and acquire entities. Besides that, this study further proves that financial ratios could be used to speculate and estimate the future of the entity’s development and growth by developing ratio values to be compared with the normal or regular value. Furthermore, the global merger and acquisition market is expected to experience a modest increase this year following significant revisions in earnings expectation for 2009. According to KPMG International’s Global merger and acquisition Predictor, modest increases are expected in both deal-making appetite and capacity globally. Therefore, it is hoped that the result of this study is valuable to entities for the purpose of merging and acquiring. Purpose statement The purpose of this study is to determine whether financial ratios contribute to the decision in merging and acquiring another entity. For this purpose, we analyze the performance of the entity before and after merging or acquisition of the holding or parent entity across industries to identify the status of the performance and position of the entity currently. We would have to identify the entity’s characteristics in terms of their operating and accounting performance by comparing to their values before the merger and acquisition. In our analysis, we also focus on the use financial ratios as a mechanism to compare the pre and post-acquisition performance. Furthermore, we also use financial ratio to predict the performance of the acquired entity as well as the growth of the entity. Organization of the study The rest of the research is organized into chapters as follows. Chapter 2 review about the literature regarding the accounting ratio performance before and after merger and acquisition would be provided. The topic and the arguments from researchers will be discussed. Justification of the research objectives would be provided with all the relevant literatures. Chapter 3 describes and provides detailed explanation on the method used in collecting the relevant data, the desired sample design, appropriate methodology employed in this study and also the data analysis method. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction In this chapter, further discussion on the topic will be done based on prior empirical studies and a derivation of hypothesis will be done. To be able to evaluate the post and pre merger and acquisition deal by companies in Malaysia, a concept is to be conceived with prior literature that is related to the performance of firms that has been acquiring other firms. 2.1 Theory/Concept Foundation Shareholders of a corporation that is involved in Merger & Acquisition activity would like to see their value of stock in the acquiring corporation to rise post-M&A compared to pre-M&A. Therefore, it is important that an M&A transaction done with the shareholders in mind, this theory of maximizing shareholder value is fairly new as it is introduced by William Lazonick and Mary O’Sullivan in year 2000. Shareholder value should be used regularly when decisions are made to be able to regulate how a company operates for the sake of the shareholders. For a shareholder to have his value increased, all the activities from the factory workers to top level management should work together to find the best way to increase the value of the company. To increase shareholder value, restructuring of companies are needed to be able to sustain the changing economic climate according to time development. Evaluation of companies performance will be done to ensure shareholders value do increase po st-M&A. From the theory we could derive that performance of a company depends on the value that they would like to preserve for their shareholders. For every shareholder that would like to expand the company operation and size, they will have to be able to provide funds for the company in the form of investment. Apart from that, trend evolution plays a part in a merging or acquisition decision. An acquirer may look at the performance of the company that they are trying to takeover. The acquirers look at the financial feasibility of acquiring the company on the share price and value for money. If a value is low, they will be able to takeover the company at a lower price. And it is known that M&A deals are done so that a company could expand into a new market segment or improve their current segment. Apart from that, it should be noted that there are several types of mergers and acquisition. It should be noted that firms that are acquiring are larger if not significantly larger than the acquired firms. 2.2 Review of Prior Empirical Studies Life cycle of a firm will accelerate the need for M&A deals as firms grew older, they could be expanding their size and because of this, and M&A will be done to be able to involve themselves into different segments of businesses. According to (Sian Owen & Alfred Yawson, 2008), they propose that in certain life cycle of a company, they will engage in some kind of M&A activities. This is because there is a need to grow their company or to decrease the involvement of the owner by giving up the power of the company to another firm. Therefore, it should be noted that companies will go through M&A at different life cycle to develop their performance even further or simply to pull out of the company ownership. The data that they use to examine this is based in the US, therefore, it may be not practical to be used here, but this is an opportunity for us to examine the life cycle factor in the pre and post M&A performance figure. The main objective for merger and acquisition activities is to increase the return of the equity shareholders who are considered real owners of the company. Shareholders are also takes the responsibilities to bear maximum risk of the company. Different impact (positive, negative and mix) either success or failure will occur for different M&A deals. Since we cannot make any conclusion based on only one ratio. So, different ratio are using in this article to measure the company performance in term of liquidity position, operating efficiency, overall efficiency, return to equity shareholders and financial composition. By looking at single ratio, it is hard for researcher to determine whether acquirer company success or failure to make M&A deals? Because a high rate of return showed on acquiree company such as consulting firms doesn’t means they make a good investments, since they require no assets. There are more than half of the 74 merger and acquisition cases showed an improvement in the financial performance in post time period of this article. However, 15% out of these cases had increase their working capital and debt to equity, which means that the company suffer long term financial burden of current assets and long terms funds which use to finance current assets. Small sample size was used by this researcher. Although there are 200 deals of M&A in India but only 74 companies can provide the available financial data which require by researcher. So, there was reliable issue of this research outcome. Except ratio, there are many issues must be takes into consideration by making M&A decision such as by predicting future prospects, company past performance, law and regulations of the country which can help to reach a better conclusion. So researcher can’t make exact and absolute conclusion by only interpret financial ratio of company (Kumar and Bansal, 2008). Those are significant difference between merger and acquisition. Misleading conclusions may be made by those researchers who combined these two different terms. Acquisitions is a more successful way to bring positive effects to the company compared with mergers in term of generate greater profitability, return on investment or equity, increased in operating performance, etc. This might due to the way the merger or acquire. Acquirer may acquire a small division, patent or the company which use for the purpose of strategic alliances and value added to current business. In contrary, merges activities become less attractive to the potential shareholder due to reduce return or shareholder wealth or even negative return and decrease in profitability or even suffer losses of the company (Hassan, Patro, Tuckman & Wang, 2007). The theoretical models of liquidity stresses the degree of trading stock, adverse selection, stock volatility, and competitiveness of market making (Lipson & Mortal, 2007). According to the prior review, the degree of trading interest in a stock has a positive relationship with the level of trading activity. Therefore, the fixed trading costs can be spread out over a larger number of trades. The adverse selection cost incurs when negative action is taken to counter an adverse situation of trades. For example, if stock traders have relatively more information compare to the liquidity providers, liquidity providers will recover their losses from trading with better informed counterparts by increasing their average revenue. Stock volatility affects the trading cost positively as well. When stocks are more volatile, the holding cost of the stock would be relatively higher and the cost would be passed on to buyers when being traded. The competitiveness of market making affects the trading cost negatively. When the market makers are less competitive, the increase in competition will reduce the trading cost. Besides that, the firm’s characteristics also affect the accounting ratio after M&A. Prior studies noted that M&A increases the liquidity of firms on average but the improvements are fully explained by the accompanying changes in firm characteristics (Lipson & Mortal, 2007). Firm characteristics such as sizes of the firm, volume and number of shareholders are taken into consideration in prior studies. Relatively larger firms will have greater trading interest since more positions are offered in the firm. Benston and Hangerman (1974) also acknowledge the effect of firm size and volume to M&A. Therefore, the sizes of the firm are expected to affect the decision M&A of a firm. The increase in adverse selection can be seen in Heflin and Shaw (2000) where they argue that the effect of a blockholder ownership is a result of superior blockholder information. The results are consistent with the results in Lipson and Mortal (2007). Past studies document that larger firms tend to be followed by a greater number of market makers (Wahal, 1997), which he attributes to increased c ompetition among market makers. Also derived in Lipson and Mortal (2007), the increased in market making reduces order processing cost, hence reducing trading cost. According to (Arturo Bris, Neil Brisley, Christos Cabolis 2008), M&A is done following the corporate governance decision as legal rules or accounting standard. The countries difference in degree of investor protection as well as firm value, ownership structure. When we are merger and acquisition usually adopts the accounting standards. This implies that, the corporate in a country can adopt difference level of investor protect. If corporate governance have set the legal rules then the corporate follow it. Therefore, the corporate investments losses or change operation performance. The legal rule can protect shareholder and investors so that they will not have legal liabilities. The corporate governance quality is follow shareholder protection and accounting standard when we are merger and acquisition can test corporate worsening and preserving acquisitions. If we are test pre merger and acquisition performance not efficiency then corporate governance quality also will not good. The corporation will easy give large corporate takeover or the corporation will bankrupt. However, the corporation operation quality good will not let large corporate takeover the firm. The corporate governance quality well can enhance merger and acquisition value and good performance. According to Holger Breinlich (2008), merger and acquisition become industrial restructuring after trade liberalization. It is can increase merger and acquisition activities and merger and acquisition transferred resource from less to more productive firms. It is because pre corporation not efficiency performance source make it loss. Therefore, after merger and acquisition the corporate efficiency performance source make it earning profit and improvement the corporate. Merger and acquisition not just to transfer source, it is also can qualitatively difference from other adjust form. Before merger and acquisition is not well make the workers becoming unemployed and also will make economic recession. When new ownership takeover the corporate then worker has working already and economic also will slowly become good. However, the larger corporate takeovers corporate better the corporate bankrupt and as such no need face unnecessary legal restriction. From the past studies, Letho and Lehtoranta (2004) study that M&A synergies can be realized by owing unique technology and knowledge and then transferring these intangibles to the target firm. The industrial organization (IO) literature states that both horizaontal and industry-diversifying acquisitions might affect R&D. When firms are active in the line of business, economies of scale in R&D input can be occurred because of M&As. Besides, value can created also by M&As from uniting complementary know-how (Cassiman B, Colombo M, Garrone P, Veugelers R, 2003). Similarly, intangibles could matter in domestic as well as cross-border takeover (Kang and Johansson, 2000). The ratio of intangible assets (goodwill paid in earlier M&As has to be minus first) to total assets is used to examine these ideas. The financial synergies are realized by looking at the capital structure of potential acquirers. The idea is that when firms relying heavily on bank loans, it is risky to the firm and also acquirers will have less interest on the firm. Therefore, firms that relying heavily on bank loans will quickly seek to reduce their overall risk and recognize a lower cost of capital by engaging in industry-diversifying and in cross-border M&As. Indeed, cost of capital can be reduced when cash flows from target and bidders are not highly correlated. Besides, additional borrowing capacity post-M&A can be created and this is a good performance for a firm after M&A. If stock prices of a firm are down, the takeover of a firm can constitute a bargain relative to investing in new facilities in order to recover from scratch. Furthermore, the valuation of private targets is lower once stock market sentiment is down, through the use of a lower multiples or higher risk premium when valuing target stock. This under-valuation hypothesis suggests that stock prices and M&A decisions are negatively related. In contrast, soaring stock prices can facilitate the financing of M&As in which they using bidder stock to pay for these deals. When firms consider that their stock to be over-valued, they tend to issue new shares (Shleifer and Vishny, 2003). There will be positive relationship between stock prices and external growth. However, the positive relationship may be difficult to observe when a sample is dominated by private enterprises. This is also because of those non-listed bidder stock is unwilling to be accepted by target investors. The average market-wid e price earnings (P/E) ratio at the M&A announcement date is used to capture stock market conditions, given that private firms dominate the sample. 2.3 Hypothesis Development The first hypothesis comes from our own assumption to examine how does a company perform post-M&A compared to pre-M&A. The assumption is that a company could perform better in the form of ratios because their capital has increased due to increase in non current assets. If a company obtains another company through M&A, it is expected that they have certain amount of capital available to expand their firm size; therefore, there will be increase in capital in the form of ROE and ROA ratios once a firm is engaged in M&A activities. H º =After M&A, there will be increase in ratios of ROE and ROA H ¹=Before M&A, asset ROA and ROE are higher From previous study of (Moeller, Schlingemann & Stulz, 2004), it is known that they examined for the below hypothesis in their research. And this hypothesis will be tested in Malaysia context so that we will be able to measure the level of performance compared to the size of the firm. H º=Small firm perform better after M&A H ¹=Acquirer’s firm perform worse after M&A 2.4 Model/Framework Negative relationship Positive Relationship As proposed, the relationship between pre-M&A is a negative relationship to the ratio. And it should be lower than post-M&A ratio as after M&A activities, the ratio should increase and higher. Positive relationship Negative relationship As proposed, the larger firm will adapt less well after M&A compared to smaller firm. Chapter 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design The research will be carried out as an explanatory study. This study method is used for our research because this study will explain how M&A affects performance of a company. The design will be carried out by using pair sample T-Test testing the relationship of the variables of performance of the company and the pre and post M&A activities. The research will be carried out to test whether an M&A activity does increase the performance of a company or it does not accelerate the activity of the company. Archival research will be used thoroughly to understand the improvement or deterioration in the firms post-M&A compared to pre-M&A. 3.2 Population, Sample and Sampling Procedure For our research for M&A companies in Malaysia, a census will be conducted as it is expected that there are only several hundreds of companies that have conducted M&A locally. The census data will be collected by using the Bursa Malaysia website via manual search and the usage of Osiris database. Therefore, the data will be collected through these 2 ways. 3.3 Data Collection Method As it is said, the data to be used will be secondary data. Documentary secondary data will be collected and used throughout this research. The data will be consisted of written materials which are companies’ annual reports. The annual report will be compiled based on the activities that are involved by the respective companies with a view that M&A deals are conducted by the company within the years of investigation which range from year 2001 to 2005. References Rao, K.V., & Sanker, K.R. (1997). Takeover as a Strategy of Turnaround. UTI edited book. Cosh, A., Hughes, A., Lee, K., & Singh, A. (1998). â€Å"Takeovers, institutional investment and the persistence of profits†, in Begg, I. and Henry, S.G.B. (Eds), Applied Economics and Public Policy, Department of Applied Economics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Agundu, P.C., & Karibo, N.O. (1999). â€Å"Risk analysis in corporate mergers decisions in developing economies†. Journal of Financial Management and Analysis, 12(2), 13-17. Moeller, S.B., Schlingemann, F.P., & Stulz, R.M. (2004). â€Å"Firm size and the gains from acquisitions†. Journal of Financial Economics, 73, 201-28. Pilloff, S.J. (1996). Performance changes and stockholder wealth creation associated with mergers of publicly traded banking institutions. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 28, 294-310. Bris, A., Brisley, N., & Cabolis, C. (2008). Adopting better corporate governance: Evidence from cross-border mergers. Journal of Corporate Finance, 14, 224-240. Breinlich, H. (2008). Trade liberalization and industrial restructuring through mergers and acquisitions. Journal of International Economics, 76, 254–266. Kumar, S., & Bansal, L.K.(2008). The impact of mergers and acquisitions on corporate performance in India. Management Decision, 46 (10), 1531-1543. Hassan, M., Patro, D.K., Tuckman, H., & Wang, X.L. (2007). Do mergers and acquisitions create shareholder wealth in the pharmaceutical industry? International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 1 (1), 58-78.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ernest Hemingway on Huckleberry Finn Essay

In 1935, Ernest Hemingway stated â€Å"All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn† and he was exactly right. Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is more than just an iconic American novel. It is the single-handedly the book that defines all American novels to come. The very plot of this americana novel is filled with the idea of the american spirit and american dream. Mark Twain does spectacular job of representing the notion of the American spirit by using a young boy named Huckleberry Finn. Huckleberry Finn is an adventurous young boy who molds his own future by getting away from a lifestyle that did not suit him. The American dream right? The belief that you as have the ability to shape your destiny, if you don’t like where you’re at and what you are doing then go and change it. No one is stopping you. This novel also shows the diversity that makes up America and that people from all over are accepted and are allowed to reach for their goals just as much as any other man. Jim, an African-American runaway slave, is a key character, and the hero in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Jim dreams of becoming free and buying his family out of slavery. Jim, like Huck, decides to take fate into his own hands and try and create a better life for him and his family. That is why Ernest Hemingway said all American literature comes from this book. It completely represents that the people of America are a different breed than any other. And this story of leaving a situation that does not suit you and individually forming your own destiny is a story that is told over and over in American novels. Stories like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn show traits that we value such as determination, tenacity, and a sort of rebellion from the formal way of doing things.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Best cost provider Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Best cost provider - Essay Example Best cost provider is a strategy that works towards striving to give customers the value of their money by combining an emphasis on low cost with on upscale differential. Porters power of supplier strategy is one form of best cost provider. It is a basis through which the producer can understand where power lies in a business situation. Based on the above scenario, the porters power of supplier would help the producer determine where to invest. It is clear that the power for the above named products lies in the quality, price, model, durability because these are the main factors driving the marketing of these products. Market research reveals that the quality is the power source for the multi-featured cameras. This means that the producer must consider the quality as far as the multi-featured camera is concerned. On the other hand, the price is the power source for the entry level camera. Because of this, the producer must ensure that the price matches the one in the market (Strickla nd & Thompson, 2001). SWOT analysis strategy is a tool for determining the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. Opportunities are important as far as the best cost provider strategy is concerned. They are external chances that help to improve performance (e.g. make greater profits) in the environment. As a producer of the Entry and multi feature camera, it is essential to determine the opportunities for each of these products. There are a number of opportunities. These include the price/quality ration, the model selection, attractive discounts, advertising and special promotion. The producer should utilize one or combination of these opportunities based on the product in question (Strickland & Thompson, 2001). Based on the above discussion, it is clear that the best marketing strategy is determined by considering those competitive factors that determine the market share. It is clear that the price/quality ratings are the main

Friday, September 27, 2019

Unit #2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Unit #2 - Research Paper Example Additionally, the clause influences the development of constitutions and laws for the successive devolved systems and units of government (Halbrook, 1998). Such units should not therefore enact laws that conflict with the federal constitutions. The provision of the clause and its influence in the operation of the judiciary, justifies the decision of the jury in the Bruesewitz v. Wyeth LLC case. The decision by the jurists sought to uphold the dictates of the clause owing to the fact that the clause serves a pivotal role in sustaining the unity of the states. While the parties had fundamental concerns arising from the conflict between them, the provisions of the clause settles the case thereby dispelling the application of the federal laws whenever the two conflict. The unity of the country is vital for the development of the nation. The clause therefore influenced the decision of the jurist in their judgment. The commerce clause provides the congress with the power to regulate commerce among several states, with foreign nations and with the Indian tribes. The contentious clause continues to operate thereby providing the congress with unparalleled power to regulate and determine the operations of international trade in the country. The clause states that the congress takes control of trade among states. This implies that the congress must oversee and sanction any business that exists between states. The law therefore provides the congress with power over the state governments since it must oversee any business existing between states. As the clause states, the government has the right to control specific commercial activities within the states. The interpretation of the constitution and the clause is definite. The government can only control a commercial activity involving two or more states. A commercial undertaking that exists between two or more involves more citizens. State constitutions

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Language and Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Language and Identity - Essay Example Though all three writers express initial disgust for having to give up part of their heritage, Rodriguez makes it clear throughout his essay that there should be no shame in embracing one’s native tongue, nor should it be thought of as a sin to accept another. Richard Rodriguez’s â€Å"Aria: Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood† follows the writer’s journey from his discovery of the English language when he was a young boy, to being encouraged to learn it while attending Catholic school, and then to completely appreciating its uniqueness from his native Spanish. When he first heard English, Rodriguez remembers being intrigued by the sounds of the words, noting how different and less impersonal the seemed compared to Spanish. These profound differences prompted Rodriguez to regard English as a public and sociable language and Spanish as more intimate and familial based. As a result, Rodriguez felt that his inability to speak English separated him from those who could, and until he was forced to learn English, he was at ease with this distinction. Learning English had been tedious for Rodriguez, who claimed that the Spanish kept his family together and that a new language, one from the outside world, might cause a rift to form between them. As such, Rodriguez was reluctant to accept English as his choice language. He went through school in silence, not keen to open his mouth and speak the words of outsiders. He watched on in interest as his parents used minimal, disjointed English in the public, but pure Spanish within the home. The presence of the familiar Spanish kept Rodriguez from learning English until nuns from his school encouraged his parents to speak English at all times around their children. His parents obliged, and it was not long before Rodriguez fully grasped the English language and began speaking aloud in class. Rodriguez’s perspective of his native Spanish varied throughout his life, and the changes before and after he learned English were the most prominent. Spanish was a language that Rodriguez valued, especially since, according to him, the language kept his family close. He believed that Spanish was not only a secret code that English-speakers could not understand but felt that it was a cornerstone to him belonging to his family, a feeling that was reinforced primarily because his family spoke and shared with one another in Spanish. Everyone outside of the home spoke English, which meant that everyone understood each other; Rodriguez and his family, though, were in their own special circle of Spanish-speakers. Spanish was part of his heritage and a vital component to Rodriguez’s very being. When Rodriguez learned English, he did not necessarily lose his appreciation of Spanish and all that it offered his family but learned to accept the advantages that came with also knowing English. Harder than Rodriguez actually learning to speak English, though, was him speaking a language that di d not involve his parents. As previously mentioned, Spanish was a huge part of Rodriguez’s identity among his family members. When his parents began speaking English for the sake of their children, Rodriguez noticed that the intimacy between his family members had evaporated. They were still a close and loving family, but English caused them to have fewer words to say. When Rodriguez fully accepted English as his primary language, his parents were approving of the change, but other family members were not as open to him embracing a culture other than their own. Aunts and uncles, and even Spanish-speaking strangers on the street and in grocery stores would tease Rodriguez for abandoning his heritage (Rodriguez 321).     Ã‚  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

CH s 310 - Summary In Your Own Words Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CH s 310 - Summary In Your Own Words - Essay Example The song exists in the album Los Lobos del Este de Los Angeles produced in 1978 by Los Lobos. El Tilingo Lingo epitomizes the approaches, experiences, and attitude of Mexican laborers and farmworkers. The song El Tilingo Lingo Jimenez comprises outstanding lead melodies based on the rhythmic styles of requinteros like uis DelfiƒÂ ­n and Lino ChiƒÂ ¡vez. El Tilingo involves syncopated and vigorous plucking on twin harps and involves profound play of guitar accompanied with five sequences of strings, which adds the appeal to the listeners. The singers appear lively and all through, they show intricate percussive and unique footwork and the instruments. Singer Conjunto Hueyapan seeks to integrate the zapateado into the son both as separate and integral integrity during the performance. In addition, El Tilingo Lingo Jimenez displays colorful and brilliant lead vocals. They help exhibit elegant jarocho singing panache. Thus, the song is an absolute passion and essential constituent of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION AND CHANGES - Essay Example Realization of the objectives is the benchmark for assessment, making it a routine for the management to employ creative strategies for effective achievement of the objectives. Implementation becomes a nightmare for many companies where commitment, assessment and review become distinct parameters without coordination and synergy, always frustrating initially vibrant ideas. Suitability studies are carried out alongside feasibility as well as acceptability levels, in order to ascertain its applicability in the specific area of interest. For efficiency in management and delivery of results in as far as policies are concerned, strategic planning is usually the solution. The specific areas of action are identified and appropriate solutions projected are brought out for implementation. The conversion of intentions into desired actions goes hand in hand with tackling of the factors that hinder the implementation of the strategies in efficient management. Leadership and management skills are the key solutions to strategic management, where each set of skills complement realization of objectives. Leadership skills offer one portion of the puzzle while management skills offer the other. Mintzberg’s model of management provides that strategic management goes farther than the mere formulation of strategic policies. A clear articulation of the mission, goals and objectives goes hand in hand with the successful implementation of the strategic plan. Prior plans are therefore put in place for the necessary implementation approach, since formulation and effective action are different things in strategic management. The identification of the mission, vision and goals of the organization before the specific strategy formulation usually addresses the real management problems in advance. Lamb (1994, p.ix) states that strategic management is a continuous process that requires frequent review and change to keep up with the pace in the market. The ever changing business environment

Monday, September 23, 2019

God's Responsibility for the Suffering of Innocent People Research Paper

God's Responsibility for the Suffering of Innocent People - Research Paper Example Natural evils whereby evil events, which man cannot control or does not initiate like floods, earthquakes and illnesses and moral evils which are caused by the free choices that man makes are the two types of evils that are found in the world (Fischer, Fischer & Hart, 117). Thinkers have advanced various ideas about evil with Thomas Aquinas stating that God created the universe with laws of nature that sometimes lead to evil, giving the example of the law of gravity that can make an object to hit someone’s head as it obeys the law. He concluded that God does not desire bad things to happen but allows them so as to respect the natural laws that he created. Job’s friends Eliphaz, Bildad and Zopher tried to offer an explanation about the cause of the suffering, indicating that Job must have done something wrong to warrant the suffering, and we could probably from a worldly perspective conclude that much of that which happens to man is caused by human behavior Fischer, Fisc her & Hart, 119). The friends continue to remind Job that God cannot chastise an innocent person. Jesus Christ Himself admonished those who he healed to ‘go and sin no more’. ... hat He could do what He wanted, meaning that being God, he had reasons beyond man’s comprehension for doing and allowing things to occur the way they do. Job 40:2 asks,’ shall he that contends with the Almighty instruct Him? He that reproves God let him answer it. While the answer by God may portray arrogance, God means that there are things that He does in His wisdom, which man cannot understand, with man being able just to see the short term but God seeing the long term. In Job 38 and onwards, God answers Job, declaring His incomparable power over the whole universe, asking almost sarcastically where Job was when He laid the foundations of the world, signifying Jobs insignificance in judging or understanding anything that He does (Fischer, Fischer & Hart, 117). God describes further the majestic and wonderful creatures that He has made including leviathan who He is able to pull with a fish hook, and that it is He who controls them and satisfies their hunger. God in ot her words informs Job that He is the one responsible for all creation and also what thinkers and philosophers call the law of nature. Job 42 sees a changed Job who repents in dust and ashes as he admits that while he had in the past only heard of God, now he had seen Him, meaning he had understood about the wisdom of God and that he realized that all along, God had been in control of the situation. The story of Job concludes that to understand God, He must be let to be God, or in other words cannot be questioned in His actions since they cannot be comprehended. Job seems to have understood that the world remains what it is, with good and evil, chaos and order all coexisting, with the option being submitting to the mysterious power and will of God because in the midst of evil, He will control the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Examination of benefits of using IT Software in value added elements Essay

Examination of benefits of using IT Software in value added elements in supplier procurement - Essay Example A shorter purchasing cycle to maintain lower inventory levels and respond more quickly to stock-outs is the core business value through e-procurement. Along with some strategical challenges on implementation, study observed standardization and internationalization of problems as few limitations of the technology integration with e-procurement. In the late 1990s, big corporations managed their supply chains with a combination of paper, faxes, e-mail, and proprietary electronic data interchange networks. But these systems provided opportunities for errors. Executives responsible for maintaining an unceasing flow of supplies to keep production lines running and distant field operations on schedule were at the mercy of primitive purchasing processes that were beyond their control. Though they could select from a host of qualified suppliers, they didnt have the most convenient ways to find the perfect supplier with exactly the right product at just the right price. Alternatively, it could take days or weeks to have the requisitions signed by executives who spend most of their time on the road. A critical pre-requisite for success in digital economy is the implementation of an integrated value chain that extends across - and beyond - the enterprise. The term "extended enterprise" represents a new concept that a company is made up not just of its employees, its board members, and executives, but also its business partners, its suppliers, and its customers. The notion of extended enterprise includes many different arrangements such as virtual integration, outsourcing, distribution agreements, collaborative marketing, R&D program partnerships, alliances, joint ventures, preferred suppliers, and customer partnership. Enterprises that have global operations or need to deal with a multitude of suppliers are finding that e-procurement has

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free

Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet Essay Being a virgin viewer of Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet, I found myself dissatisfied as I began to see the famous balcony scene reveal itself on the courtyard floor. â€Å"Where is the barrier, the ‘stony limits’ that separates the lovers from each other?† I inquired. How could the most renowned scene of William Shakespeare’s most popular play be missing? I continued to watch in astonishment as the daring scene developed into a masterpiece. Baz Luhrmann and Franco Zeffirelli both achieved unique interpretations of William Shakespeare’s script which accomplish the chief goal of displaying the extremely passionate love between Romeo and Juliet. The movies were made twenty-nine years apart and had many specific and not so obvious differences between them including the setting, script, and camera work that are significant to accomplishing the two director’s diverse objectives for the films. The most noticeable difference found between the balcony scenes of the two movies is the different settings. There actually is a balcony in Luhrmann’s version, but it is much smaller and is only used for a brief instant in the scene. Romeo climbs to the top of the balcony in both versions, but in Luhrmann’s film, to his surprise, he finds an ugly nurse instead of the attractive Juliet. This comedic moment is essential for distracting the audience from their predictions. The Capulet mansions are both astounding and enormous but bestow different emotions. The mansion in Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet is very castle-like with towering stone walls surrounded by trees, and a large balcony. This plain and simple appearance is important because the focus of the scene is on the two young lovers and the stony limits that separate them. Luhrmann’s film has a very luxurious and romantic looking set that captures the viewers’ attention from the start. The scene is more colorful with white sparkling lights, statues, ivy, and most importantly, a brightly lit up blue swimming pool. The water provides a perfect medium for Romeo and Juliet as they confess their love for each other. The water does not on ly serve symbolic importance but provides a modern obstacle between Romeo and Juliet that can be compared to the balcony. Although the viscous water acts as a barrier, the pool scene involves much more contact between the lovers than Zefferelli’s balcony scene. Light piano music fills the air instead of the louder rock music that is found throughout the film. In both versions, Juliet is clothed in all white, portraying her innocence. Zefferelli’s set resembles the setting William Shakespeare describes in his script, while Luhrmann modernizes the setting and translates script to appeal to today’s generations. Shakespeare wrote his plays in a Victorian language that is not especially familiar to most people today. Zefferelli was quite aware of this, but made very few adjustments to the script. His play targets people who already know the story of Romeo and Juliet. Zefferelli takes advantage of the opportunities film offers by using technology to create realism, background music, props, and backgrounds to aid in the comprehension of the balcony scene of this romantic tragedy. On the other hand, Baz Luhrmann cuts the original script from 190 lines to 100 lines. He also adds occasional words to enable a smooth flowing dialogue. He maintains Shakespeare’s Victorian language because of the ingenious poetry and rhythm it has that flows like music to one’s ears. Luhrmann eliminates a lot of the difficult and time-consuming language as well as lines that do not pertain to his modernized setting. For example, lines 70-182 of Act III, Scene II are eliminated, in which Juliet calls Romeo back then forgets why she did so. Luhrmann’s adjustments to the script allow for a more easy translation of Shakespeare’s language. In addition to the changes in the script, the scene can be comprehended strictly by viewing the moving picture due to the careful selection of costumes, the use of body language, the romantic setting, and the camera technique. The camera work during the balcony scene of both films is very strategically planed to give the viewers a much more personal experience than that of the stage. Zeffirelli’s scene makes use of the long balcony as the camera pans along it continuously, not allowing the eyes to rest. This keeps the viewers involved in the film while close ups are used to show the passionate emotions of the lovers. In Baz Luhrmann’s version of the scene, the camera is not as active as one might imagine. The scene begins with long shots and as it develops, the camera moves in to extreme close-ups to show every detail of the lovers’ expressions. The camera gives the viewers an intimate relationship as it moves slowly and more closely to the actors in contrast to the chaotic camera movement in other scenes. The quantity of editing used in Baz Luhrmann’s scene is significantly reduced when compared to the editing in other parts of his film. The editing pace goes from every couple seconds per shot to about twenty seconds per shot. The length of shots in Zeffirelli’s scene is even longer. Also, Zeffirelli’s scene uses slight high-angle shots on Juliet that gives the effect that Juliet is in a more superior position than Romeo. In Luhrmann’s film the lovers remain level with each other throughout most of the scene, giving a sense of equality. Both filming techniques used in the two versions were very effective in creating the close relationship between Romeo and Juliet as they reunite for the second time. The power and passion of love found within the balcony and pool scenes of the different films is one that leaves an everlasting impression in the hearts and minds of the viewers. Although interpreted very differently by two brilliant directors, the scenes both relay Shakespeare’s message. Baz Luhrmann did so in a way that transformed the play from Shakespearian times to the youth of the twentieth century. He used state of the art technology, familiar actors, a modernized setting, and adjustments to the actual script to translate Shakespeare’s play into modern times. On the other hand, Franco Zeffirelli attempted to make his film as much like Shakespeare’s play as possible. He used film to his advantage to provide a closer experience than that of the stage, but few changes to the actual script and setting were made. He wanted to reflect the play to the best of his ability to the screen. Baz Luhrmann’s objective was to bring Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet to the homes of people around the world. Both films were successful in achieving their goals, but were very unique because of the differences in the setting, script, and camera work. Works Cited â€Å"Imagery in Luhrmanns Romeo + Juliet.† American Film Institute. 1 Feb. 2005 Marks, Margaret. â€Å"Brand New Old Stuff.† 1 Feb. 2005 . Romeo and Juliet. Dir. Franco Zeffirelli. Perf. Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting. Paramount Pictures, 1968. William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Dir. Baz Luhrmann. Perf. Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. Twentieth Century Fox, 1997.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Passionate Shepherd to His Love Analysis

The Passionate Shepherd to His Love Analysis Love is not quick Is ones eager love and admiration enough to last forever? So Marlowes Passionate Shepherd To His Love would think so. On the other hand, Raleighs Nymph Reply To The Shepherd would confidently disagree, as she does not believes his hasty words. Marlowe writes a naive, rash, and rather bold poem which attempts to confess his feelings and paints a picture of what love could be. He fills the canvas with dream like scenery and promising words of materialistic items to win ones affection. Raleighs response in Nymph prompts the reader to see reasoning and a sense of reality that contrasts with Marlowes words of the Shepherd. In Passionate Shepherd To His Love, Marlowes style for the poem is pastoral. He seems to glorify the simplicity of life and idealize a perfect world by utilizing nature to create his utopian scene. In the lines And we will sit upon the rocks, Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks,(Marlowe 777) he portrays an innocent notion of affection by simply admiring other shepherds feeding sheep alongside his love. The authors soft-spoken line,By shallow rivers, to whose falls Melodious birds sing madrigals,(Marlowe 777) illustrates spending time by the river with waterfalls as birds sing melodies. These are one of many naive illusions the shepherd attempts to charm his love with. Marlowes shepherd is filled with nothing but eager promises that are not realistic. The shepherd seeks love, yet is first confined to proving his worth. In beginning, Marlow speaks of practical promises such as, A cap of flowers and kirtle Embroidered all with leave of myrtle; A gown made of the finest wool Which from our pretty lambs we pull (Marlowe 777). The pastoral style and the earthy feeling of nature are still visible when he speaks of flowers being made caps and skirts made of leaves. His practical promises quickly shift into unattainable ones as he begins to sound desperate as he states, A belt of straw and ivy buds, With Coral clasp and amber studs (Marlowe 777) The work of a shepherd cannot gather such raw items, as they are both too costly for him and also rare in the countryside. The poem is filled with open-ended promises where, in a perfect world, it would be enough to win the affection someones love. In the Nymphs Reply to the Shepherd, Raleigh is straightforward when addressing the shepherd. He uses the words and stanzas in a ruthless way, utilizing them in such a manner of deliberation and precision, that it sets the tone of a distinct response to Marlowe. The feminine persona of the nymph sets up hypothetical questions that disregard mans impulses of transitory promises. Raleigh begins by speaking of a naive world with a skeptical shepherd and his kind gestures that may win the affection of the nymph. Similar to Marlowe, who incorporates nature in his writing, Raleigh exploits the idea of the outdoors by expressing flawless responses. In the first example, Time drives the flocks from field to fold, When Rivers rage and Rocks grow cold(Raleigh 782). Raleigh puts an end to the simple gazing of flocking sheep, as its time for them to be put away, and the rocks growing cold insist a change in weather. In line 6, the stressed emphasis of R and its combined clashing sound supports the harsh distinction of Raleighs nature. Rather than Marlowes safe and consistent shallow stream, Raleigh illustrates a raging river that can be dangerous and destructive. The overall idea expressed in line 5 and 6 is that small moments dont last forever and making quick-hearted decisions will eventually lead to a negative outcome. As both authors integrate nature in their pieces, the differences in season describe a general feeling to each poem. Marlowe speaks of beautiful valleys, hills, groves, beds of roses, and alluring mountainsides, therefore the reader can assume the season as spring. Raleigh, however, expresses practicality, using winter to illustrate that, just as spring, love is not always everlasting.   He depicts this in Lines 9 and 10, The flowers do fade, and wanton fields, To wayward winter reckoning yields(Raliegh 782). The over all message that Raleigh is trying to convey can be expressed with in two lines, A honey tongue, a heart of gall, Is fancys spring, but sorrows fall,(782) he stating that if someones only chooses to see the short pleasure of love, over a long-term commitment, it will only lead in unhappiness. Marlowes theme suggests carpe diem, or to seize the day, as Raleigh exercises both carpe diem and tempus fugit, to seize the time. A better explanation of this is better expressed by Dr. Bruce Magee who explains that, Normally we should seize the day because time flies. Raleigh argues that because time flies, we should NOT seize the day.(Magee) This is a concurring statement because instead of making impulsive decisions in life, one should wait to evaluate possible outcomes before determining a significant choice. As Shakespeare once said, Wisely and slow. They stumble that run fast (Shakespeare 4). Work Cited Kirszner, Laurie G., and Stephen R. Mandell. Portable literature: reading, reacting, writing. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning, 2016. Print. Magee, Bruce. The Passionate Shepherd to His Love (and the Nymphs Reply). The Passionate Shepherd to His Love (and the Nymphs Reply). Louisiana Tech University, 08 Aug. 2014. Web. 27 Feb. 2017. Wiegle, Matt, and William Shakespeare. No fear Shakespeare. New York: Sparknotes, 2008. Print. The Passionate Shepherd To His Love Analysis The Passionate Shepherd To His Love Analysis The passionate shepherd to his love is a poem written by Christopher Marlowe of love promises from a shepherd to his potential lover set in a pastoral community. The shepherd is trying to convince a maiden to become his lover through romantic words that reveal their community as the best place to nurture their love. He is also ready to do everything in his power to please and make her happy if she heeds to his pleas. The shepherd is eager to cease the moment and have her love in the present situation (Payne John 714). The poem uses the word passionate to show the strong sexual urges that the shepherd has towards his object of desire. Throughout the poem, there are numerous promises and pleas by the shepherd but the maiden neither appears nor responds to his statements. The shepherd is convinced that all their pleasures will begin when she decides to live with him as his love. Summary of the stanzas In the first stanza, we are acquainted with an unidentified shepherd who appeals to a woman to join him by living together. He promises her ultimate pleasure if she agrees to live with him. There is no mention of marriage but just the will to accommodate her in his wife. The way he offers his promises show that the woman is a tough nut to crack, thus he has to make exaggerated and sometimes-impossible pledges. All their adventures are bound to happen in the pastoral settings in the ambience of nature. A common connotation for such an invitation would signify that the shepherd wanted to make love to the unidentified woman. He even suggests the private places such as the valleys, fields, woods, or hills where their love would consume them and they would derive pleasure. In the second stanza, the shepherd is keen to elaborate to the woman the perfect time for their love to bloom. The way he explains the environment at that time suggests that the season would either be spring or summer. This is because he mentions beautiful grounds where they could sit in comfort wile watching the flocks eating grass (Marlowe 67). The birds will be singing madrigals symbolize springtime as bird signals refer to a new season. The existence of grass also emphasizes on the season and the other shepherds will aid him by feeding his flock. He will seize the free time to spend the moments with his new lover as they savour the beauty of nature. All these activities in the second stanza will be done after they made love and were reminiscing of the moments they shared. The third stanza culminates into a scenario where the shepherd doubles his efforts of convincing the woman to be his lover. He does this by adding lucrative promises to the initial ones that will entice the woman to follow him to his house. He pledges to set up a variety of beds for her that has a thousand posies. The poem is full of hyperbole since the shepherd is consistent in making impossible and exaggerated promises just to gain the feedback from the woman. He even promises to dress her in magnificent kirtle adorned with other embellishments that will enhance her beauty. The kirtle seems to be a customary dress code but he promises to decorate it to show his appreciation of her acceptance for his love. In the fourth stanza, he is willing to share his riches with her by adorning her with a gown made of finest wool. He will turn the shearing procedure of obtaining the wool from the sheep into a graceful pulling session. This scenario represents his willingness to put effort into adorning his woman with all the things he can afford, thus the reason why he mentioned slippers made of nothing but pure gold. He continues alluring the woman in stanza five by taking care of all the tiny detains of her clothes. He talks of coral clasps will act as buttons and her costume will have a straw belt in addition to ivy-buds. He also takes the chance to remind the woman of how pleasurable their love will be if she accepts him. However, he does not go into detail of those pleasures he had aforementioned because in his heart he is convinced that she remembers them. The six and last stanza shows the shepherdà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s last chance on convincing the woman to be his love. He promises her that if she agrees to love him his fellow shepherds referred to as swains will sing and dance in honour of them. He says that every day of their life will be filled with laughter and the shepherds will always sing and dance for them. In the last sentence, he simplifies the magnitude of her decision by simply asking him to come and live with her to enjoy those delights. In the poem, he uses couplets to emphasize his objectives because they use the same line in different stanzas such as the repetition of the words à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“live with me and come be my love.à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ Conclusion The poem generally shows that it is not easy to get love and sometimes people have to put effort. The shepherd doe not talk of the future or the past but hopes to get the woman in the present. His description about his motives is mainly geared towards satisfying his sexuality. He seems to have admired her so much to the extent of wanting her to give up her chastity. In the beginning, one would have thought that this is just a dream of an idle shepherd as he watched his flock but the mention of passion indeed shows there is a woman. The shepherd is not rich but he is willing to sacrifice whatever little he has to adorn his potential lover with the things he knows she deserves as his lover. He embarks on a journey to convince his lover with the same hard work he ploughs when he caters for his flock (Marlowe 67). He does not mention an aim of having a long time commitment but in the last stanza, he says that every day of their lives will be filled with happiness. This shows that he is w illing to nurture his love for the woman to last an eternity if she accepts him. The shepherd portrays a kind of love that innocent and pure yet filled with many erotic fantasies may be because she is the woman he has dreamt of having all his life. Throughout the poem, the shepherd is convinced that all their pleasures will begin when she decides to live with him as his love.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Judicial Corruption in the United States Essay -- Jurisprudence, Ethic

The problem of judicial corruption in United States is immense. The Sixth Amendment in the United States Bill of Rights refers to the right to a speedy, fair and public trial. Unfortunately, our judicial system does not always maintain these rights. The United States judicial system is very corrupt and most of our country’s citizens do not know how corrupt it actually is. When thinking about the judicial system, words that come to mind are justice, morality, and fairness. Sadly, these words are not accurate descriptions of this system. Correct depictions of today’s judicial system are corruption, rigged courts, extortion, and phony trials. Our legal system does not bring truth or justice to our courtrooms. Overcoming this corruption is not easy for the average citizen or anyone who is not in on the â€Å"game†. This problem affects everyone, but only benefits four types of people; the judges, the lawyers, the clients paying thousands more to the lawyers to win their case, and the police. Judges today are not playing fair, and they are accepting bribes from equally corrupt lawyers that are desperate to win a case and improve their case winnings over their losses. The lawyers are asking for more money from the clients so that they can secretly hand over cash to the lawyers and ask for â€Å"favors† in the courtroom. With all of this injustice, comes fear implanted in the client, who is then willing to spend more on a lawyer to guarantee their success in a case; â€Å"fear and injustice equals more money for lawyers and judges†(Sachs). Many people know about or have witnessed this corruption taking place and numerous attempts to rid of it have been made. It is not an easy task attempting to bring justice to where justice should be made. There ... ...ut the Local Bar or Bar Association - Aren't They Supposed to Go After Crooked Lawyers and Judges?† FAQ on US Judicial and Legal Corruption. Blogspot. Web. 31 Oct. 2011. Sachs, Les. â€Å"So the Current State of Legal Corruption, is Really Supported by Both Political Parties, the Democrats and the Republicans Together?† FAQ on US Judicial and Legal Corruption. Blogspot. Web. 31 Oct. 2011. Sachs, Les. â€Å"Is it True that Once I Become a Victim of Judicial and Legal Corruption, I Basically Become an "Outlaw" to the Whole Legal System in America?† FAQ on US Judicial and Legal Corruption. Blogspot. Web. 31 Oct. 2011. Fine, Victoria. † My Dad Tried to Right a Wrong, Now He's Behind Bars Unjustly.† Huffington Post. Huffington Post. 12 Jan. 2010. Web. 31 Oct. 2011. Hays, Tom. â€Å"Judges On Wrong Side Of The Law.† CBSNEWS. 7 May. 2009. Web. 31 Oct. 2011

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Lottery :: essays research papers

'The Lottery,'; written by Shirley Jackson is a story that takes place in a small town of approximately three hundred residents. Every year on June 27th the townspeople congregate in a giant mass in the middle of town, where the 'lottery'; takes place. This lottery is a ceremony in which each family throughout the town is represented by a tiny white piece of paper. The family representatives, who are the heads of the household, take turns drawing from a box that contains these three hundred pieces of papers. On one of the pieces of paper there is located a black dot, marked the previous night by Mr. Summers. This black dot indicates the 'winner'; of the lottery. The lottery is a ritual that has been around for years and years and it has developed into a way of life for the people of the town. When June comes rolling along everyone is anticipating the lottery. Kids fill their pockets full of rocks and plans are discussed about making a new box. They can not wait to attend and finally get it over with. This drawing seems to transform the people. Tension builds before the lottery occurs, but the townspeople are still able to joke with one another. Tension increases in the story when the author, Shirley Jackson, implies to the reader that Mr. Hutchinson has drawn the marked paper. We assume he does because he walks up on to the stage with his family and they are then made to draw again from the worn out black box. Mr. Hutchinson reaches his hand in and grabs out a piece with his children and his wife following in succession. The one that holds the winning ticket is Mrs. Hutchinson. We learn throughout the story that the power and traditional aspect of the lottery has slowly diminished. In the case of Mrs. Hutchinson, '';Clean forgot what day it was.''; The lottery had been present within the neighboring towns; however, the lottery had been ended. The people of the town believed that the box represented tradition and therefore were reluctant to make another one. This box is representative of the lottery in that they have both worn down and are in need of change.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Racial Tensions in South Africa Essay -- Racial Relations, Racism

History of South Africa South Africa has large varieties ethnic backgrounds; unfortunately for them none of them are allowed their chance to shine because of the cloud of racism that has over shadowed their history. Like the United States, South African countries are built for the success of whites before any other ethnicity. This can be found in the countries politics and economics alike. For over 300 years this racism has occurred. Around the 1940’s South Africans have coined a policy for this racism, â€Å"apartheid†. In English apartheid can be translated to â€Å"Apart-hood†. (2) This will be touched about in more detail later. Like the United States, South Africa has had to deal with centuries of racism, the problem being that South Africans racism doesn’t seem to be depleting as fast as other countries in the same situation. The first sign of â€Å"civilization† to take place in South Africa began in the mid 1600’s when the Dutch East India Company formed a cape colony. (3) It wasn’t long before the colonists were in need of workers to help farm their rapidly expanding settlement. So like many countries of their time, they went with the route of slavery. Naturally the best candidates for this position were natives to South Africa. Slaves weren’t a necessity, but they were very convenient for the newly settled Dutch (2). The Dutch continued to govern South Africa until the English took over in the 18th century. Fast-forward to the 20th century where racism is just as relevant as ever, and in 1910 new laws have been passed regarding segregation. These laws in 1910 â€Å"expanded racial segregation† (2). A big part of the new law was that whites were now able to seize land owned by black farmers. Also around this time the gov... ...dignity’ required adhering to a code of social and gender behavior appropriate to a ruling race. There was a moral base for antagonism towards blacks: 'It is Nature's deep-seated provision for racial integrity. It is the voice of evolutionary experience speaking within US Similarly, John L. Weston of Brandfort, wrote approvingly of vigilante justice in the US South. He wrote of white Southerners he had known who were highly intelligent, respectable, sympathetic and reasonable, yet who became demented when a "Black Peril" (Plaatje, 1982) case occurred within their reach. This, he argued, was a healthy and virtuous reaction; it is the very capacity of the white man's mind for good that causes this uncontrollable indignation'. He predicted that lynch law will sooner or later be introduced here as it has been in the USA unless heroic steps are taken without much delay.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Multiple Intelligence Theory

Developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardener, a professor at the very prestigious Harvard University, the multiple intelligence theory states that testing a person’s intelligence through IQ tests is very restricting. In his very popular work, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligence, Dr. Howard Gardner cited eight kinds of intelligence that are innate in men- linguistic intelligence (â€Å"word smart†); logical-mathematical intelligence (â€Å"number/reasoning smart†); spatial intelligence (â€Å"picture smart†); bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (â€Å"body smart†); musical intelligence (â€Å"music smart†); interpersonal intelligence (â€Å"people smart†); intrapersonal intelligence (â€Å"self smart†); and naturalist intelligence (â€Å"nature smart†) (Armstrong, 2000). Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Those who possess the logical-mathematical intelligence would usually end up as a scientist or mathematician. They are mostly sensitive to and have the capacity to differentiate logical and numerical patterns (Gardner & Hatch, 1989, being well versed with everything that has something to do with logic, abstractions, inductive and deductive reasoning and most of all, numbers. Because of this, they are said to be excellent in mathematics, chess, computer programming and other activities that involves numbers and logic ( They also have the ability to handle long chains of reasoning (Gardner & Hatch, 1989). Linguistic Intelligence Those who possess this form of intelligence on the other hand are most likely to end up as poets and journalists for it has got something to do with words, be it spoken or written. These are the people who are sensitive to sounds, rhythms and of course, the meanings of different words. Likewise, these people are very knowledgeable in the different functions of language (Gardner & Hatch, 1989). They are good in reading, writing and even telling stories. At the same time, they are good in memorizing dates and words (, 2007). They rely on taking notes, reading, listening to lectures, discussions and debates as their primary source of knowledge. These people are said to learn foreign languages easily, having a very high verbal memory and the capacity to understand the structure of words and sentences. Musical Intelligence People having musical intelligence tend to become composers, violinist, musicians, singers, etc. They have the ability to produce and at the same time, appreciate rhythm, pitch and timbre together with the appreciation of the different forms through which music is expressed (Gardner & Hatcher, 1989). Those who also possess this kind of intelligence tend to learn and memorize different types of information through the use of music. More often than not, they work efficiently and effectively with music playing in the background (, 2007). Spatial Intelligence Possessing this kind of intelligence, a person may end up as a navigator, sculptor as they are good in visualizing and mentally manipulating objects (, 2007). With this perception comes their accuracy in performing transformation based on their perceptions (Gardner & Hatch, 1989). Body-Kinesthetic Intelligence Those who possess this kind of intelligence, on the other hand end up as athletes or dancers, as this has something to do with movement. People who are intelligent based on this often prefer activities that make use of body movements, which make them also good in building and making things. They remember things through their body, making use of what is known as muscle memory (Gardner & Hatcher, 1989). Interpersonal Intelligence Possessing this type of intelligence makes one individual a future therapist or salesman, having the capacity to respond to the moods, temperaments, motivations and desires of other people (Gardner & Hatcher, 1989).   They are usually extroverts who excel so much in interacting with others. Intrapersonal Intelligence They end up to be a person with detailed, accurate, self knowledge that could access one’s feelings and be able to draw them in guiding behavior, strengths, weaknesses, etc (Gardner & Hatcher, 1989). Education and the Multiple Intelligence Theory The concept of intelligence permeates our day to day lives just like any other psychological concept. Before completing and even entering an institute of education, students are asked to complete and aptitude exam that would measure their intelligence quotient or IQ that could determine their preparedness and capacity to learn in institutions like the one they are applying in. Intelligence tests have been a very important tool that is being used in most educational institutions that place a very high importance on the relationship between intelligence and education (Wagner & Sternberg, 1984) According to Dr. Gardner, most of the schools and cultures tend to focus more on the linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences of its pupils thus raising the self esteem levels of individuals who are well versed in their language, of individuals who know so much about math, individuals who are expert in reasoning. The different cultures and societies fail to recognize the achievements and intelligence of those people who have display other types of intelligence- the artists, architects, musicians, designers, athletes, and those other who truly show their importance in the other aspects of the society (Armstrong, 2000). It is also because of the societies focus on the linguistic and logical-mathematic intelligence that schools are unable to address the needs of students who are not gifted with these kinds of intelligence. Unfortunately, those who have not been giving due recognition for the intelligence they have [as they possess other kinds of intelligence apart from those society deems very important] usually suffer ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder (Armstrong, 2000). As Gardner reiterated in his study of MI theory, an individual is mechanically equipped with unique intelligence to cope up in a diverse cultural society. It provides students with options to success and recognition for whatever talents they have. Linguistic intelligence and personal intelligence gives great opportunities for individuals in a globally competitive society. The structural views of education are now diverse in regarding intelligence out of just the normal scope of intelligence. The multiple intelligence theory is said to be a threat to formal education, a death knell as they say, believing that teaching to address a single kind of intelligence is already hard. However, most schools have actually responded positively to Gardner’s theory as it is said to validate educator’s everyday experience, recognizing the difference in the way students think and learn. At the same time, educators have recognized the possession of the seven kinds of intelligence as a necessity in living life well. It is for this reason that teachers are being called to attend to all kinds of intelligence, not just the two kinds of intelligence traditionally addressed by educators and educational institutions (Smith, 2002). MI is a means to foster high quality work. MI should be used as a tool to promote a high quality of education instead of just a theory (Smith, 2002). Creativity is promoted in the nuance of education and by which it helps the production of more creative ideas to continually support the existing knowledge we learn in school. Students are also encouraged to learn beyond the four walls of the classroom, in preparing them for the real world. They are equipped with facts that they could apply in their day-to-day lives. Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory has inspired a lot of schools to undergo educational reforms that could help raise the quality of education. According to Thomas Armstrong (2000), several methods have been incorporated in teaching academic topics. For example, the study of the law of supply and demand in economics does not just involve linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences such as studying by reading about it and the mathematical expressions by which the law is expressed. In the study, spatial intelligence is also incorporated through examination of graphic charts, observing the laws of the natural world (naturalist), the human world of commerce (interpersonal), the law in terms of one’s own body (bodily-kinesthetic and intrapersonal) or even the writing/finding a song that proves the accuracy of the law of supply and demand. It is for this reason that numerous schools have redesigned their curriculum to satisfy the needs of the people possess different types of intelligence. Arts PROPEL, in the US have developed a series of modules that serve the goals of the curriculum as well as the needs of its students. MI is a means to foster high quality work. Using MI as a tool to promote high quality student work rather than using the theory as an end in and of itself (Smith, 2002). Creativity is promoted in the nuance of education and by which it helps the production of more creative ideas to continually support the existing knowledge we learn in school. Students are also provided not only to think inside of the boundaries of the classroom but rather prepare them in the real world and set them in more ways than one. One which is only equipped with facts but not able to apply it in situations he or she faces. In the same way, Patricia Bolanos designed a public school in Indianapolis that supports the multiple intelligence theory. The curriculum is designed in such a way that it helps in finding the kind of intelligence a student is said to be possessing and at the same time, guide them in enriching what they have. Through the different steps that these schools have taken, they have in a way, considered the role of people who exhibit other kinds of intelligence. At the same time, the theory of multiple intelligence has become of vital importance to language teachers as it has allowed them to examine their teaching methods and how it effectively caters the need of their students. Different approaches shall be used in order to address the intelligence profiles of the students. Once again, the said theory has been responsible in enhancing the curriculum design, lesson planning and program development of various schools (Zulkuf Altan, 2001). Conclusion The rise of Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory has lead to different reactions by the academe and psychologists, considering its importance in every day lives. Schools require students to meet a certain score in their achievement tests before allowing them to enter into their respectable institutions. It showed the society that other intelligences, aside the two traditional ones that have been regarded as important in the society is important and should also be taken into consideration. Students have different interests, react to different subject matters and topics and of course, adopt different ways of taking in information (Gardner, 1995).. It is for this reason that educational institutions nowadays have readjusted their curriculum, in their hopes to cater to artistic, musical, body intelligences, etc. It is believed that it is only through this that schools could properly respond to the needs of their students having possessed a different type of intelligence, aside from the traditional, more popular ones (Gardner, 1995). With the multiple intelligence theory, various learning-styles have been built on particular sense modalities such as auditory, visual and kinesthetics, believing that it is only through this that educators may transmit the lesson and information to the brains of their students without giving them a hard time, giving them the access to information that could best meet their needs (Gardner, 1995). REFERENCES Armstrong, T. (2000). Multiple Intelligences. Retrieved October 21, 2007 From Klein, P.D. (1997). Multiplying the Problems of Intelligence by Eight: A Critique of  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Gardner’s Theory. Retrieved October 21, 2007 from Jstor Database Gardner, H. (1995). Multiple Intelligences as a Catalyst. English Journal Vol. 84 No.8. p.8. retrieved October 21, 2007 from Jstor Database Gardner, H. and Hatch, T. (1989) Multiple Intelligence Go to School Educational  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Implications  Ã‚  Ã‚   of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, by Howard Gardner. Educational  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Researcher.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Volume 8. No. pp.4-10. Retrieved October 21, 2007  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   from Jstor Database Smith, Mark. (2002). Howard gardner, multiple intelligences and education.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Retrieved October 20, 2007 from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (2007). Multiple intelligences, Retrieved on  Ã‚   October 20, 2007 from  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Zulkuf Altan, M. (2001). Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Century, Review. TESOL Quarterly: Vol. 35, No. 1, p. 35. Retrieved October 21,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2007  Ã‚  Ã‚   from Jstor Database      

Dynamics Of Globalization Essay

Liberalism usually refers to a wide range of associated ideologies, political traditions, philosophical views and doctrines which oftentimes emphasize individual rights and advocates individual liberty. Liberalism seeks a society distinguished by a freedom of thought for individuals. Embedding it globally of course would propose both advantages and disadvantages which definitely should be weighed first. A body thus is necessary, to weight these advantages and disadvantages, which is comprised of people who don’t â€Å"act† but rather implement for the benefit of a greater number of people if not all without disregarding their freedom. The proposed or depicted main drivers of the anti-globalization backlash should be taken into account before its implementation or execution and certain measures should be done to avoid them, if not totally remove them. The first backlash, the highly unequal distribution of benefits of globalization may be unfair to countries that cannot stand up on its own or is taken advantage of by larger or dominating countries. Globalization may be seen as a way to pursue self-interests and personal goals of one country to the other. It is the objective of the body to make sure that the benefit is received by a larger number of people, if not all. If the body performs poorly and does not overcome the first backlash, then the second backlash may arise and complications would start to pile up. The second backlash, which is activated by a growing imbalance in global rule making, places the implementation of globalization under the scrutiny of all involving countries. It is necessary to create a body that favors the needs of all involving countries and creates programs or projects that negates the first backlash of globalization. The policy or rule-making body or Union of selected countries which was created, must weigh all the needs and woes of the all the countries before creating a rule. Globalization places people at a stand where they are at greater vulnerability in terms of economic instability and social dislocation, sometimes at lightning speed, by unfamiliar and unpredictable forces. The policy or rule-making body or Union should be able to at least create precautionary measures or after measures regarding the unpredictable forces and be able to disseminate information regarding the globalization to the people in order for them to be less vulnerable if not totally invulnerable to economic instability and social dislocation. Globalization, would affect the veracity or integrity of cultures and power of states in one way or the other. Moreover, people would most-likely be confused whether who to turn for when they start to look for jobs or turn to when they need to be heard regarding their woes and needs. It is again the job of the Union to see to it that the people are taken care of and not taken for granted. It is their responsibility to give better and more jobs as globalization starts to be implemented and rise. For an effective globalization, there should be an effective or even distribution of power and benefit, fair global rule making, better information dissemination, greater employment rate, and less vulnerability to economic instability and culture disintegration. As such, a policy or rule-making body of selected countries or representative of all the countries should be created to ensure effective globalization. Kofi Annan’s Global Compact may be able to meet the challenges of globalization and serve as the body that might solve the problem of the backlashes stated. The Global Compact, announced by Kofi Annan in an address to The World Economic Forum on January 31, 1999, is a program to promote businesses globally to assume sustainable and publicly responsible and accountable policies or guidelines, and to account and report on them. Under the Global Compact, companies are conveyed together with labor groups, civil societies and United Nation agencies. The Global Compact, upon its initiation or opening consisted of more than 3,300 companies from all regions of the world and also includes a smaller number of international labor and civil society organizations. The Global Compact, though not a regulatory body, is a forum for dialogues and debates and a system for communication and a pool of messages including governments. It would seek to influence and persuade companies and stand for the stakeholders of civil society organizations. The Global Compact’s objectives are deliberately and purposely flexible and sometimes vague, but it distinguishes the subsequent channels through which it gives facilitation and promotes dialogue. Furthermore, Kofi Annan’s Global Compact has ten principles. These ten principles help in addressing 3 aspects namely, human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption. Globalization’s negative effects or backlashes such as those with regards income, employment, identity and accountability, can be addressed and aided. An example of principle where liberalism is embedded is the principle regarding labor standards. Global Compact states that there is freedom or liberty of organization or union and the effective acknowledgment of the right to collective bargaining. Furthermore, there is the removal of all forms of forced and obligatory labor. Embedding liberalism indeed may help, but I believe that the Global Compact would be is needed and may serve as initiator of an effective Globalization. REFERENCE: Ruggie, John Gerard. â€Å"Taking Embedded Liberalism Global: The Corporate Connection. † (2003).

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Dorothy Johnson Essay

Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations (other). Dorothy E. Johnson was a nursing theorist, who was born August 21, 1919, in Savanna, Georgia. She has had an influence on her nursing through her publications since the 1950’s. Throughout her career, Johnson has stressed the importance of research-based knowledge about the effect of nursing care on clients. This led to The Johnson Behavioral System Model, in which she came up with in 1980. Nursing theories are used to describe, develop, disseminate, and use present knowledge in nursing. Johnson was an early fan of nursing as a science as well as an art. From the beginning, Johnson proposed that the knowledge of the science of nursing was necessary for effective nursing care. In 1961, Johnson propose d that nursing care facilitated the client’s maintenance of a state of equilibrium. Furthermore, Johnson proposed that clients were â€Å"stressed† by a stimulus of either an internal or external nature. These stressful stimuli created such disturbances, or â€Å"tensions,† in the patient that a state of disequilibrium occurred. Johnson identified two areas of nursing care that should be based on in order to return the client to a state of equilibrium. First, by reducing stressful stimuli, and second, by supporting natural and adaptive processes. Johnson’s behavioral system theory springs from Nightingales belief that nursing’s goal is to help individuals prevent or recover from disease or injury. The â€Å"science and art† of nursing should focus on the patient as an individual and not on the specific disease. Johnson used the work of behavioral scientists in psychology, sociology, and ethnology to develop her theory. Moreover, Johnson states that nurses should use the behavioral system as their knowledge base; comparable to the biological system that physicians use as their base of knowledge (Lobo, 1995). The reason Johnson chose the behavioral system model is the idea that â€Å"all the patterned,repetitive,  purposeful ways of behaving that characterize each person’s life make up an organized and integrated whole, or a system†(other). Johnson states that by categorizing behaviors, they can be predicted and ordered. Johnson categorized all human behavior into seven subsystems(SSs):Attachment,Achievement, Aggressive, Dependence, Sexual, Ingestive, and Eliminative. Each subsystem is composed of a set of behavioral responses or tendencies that share a common goal. These responses are developed through experience and learning and are determined by numerous physical, biological, psychological, and social factors. Four assumptions are made about the structure and function of each SS. T hese four assumptions are the†structural elements† common to each of the seven SSs. The first assumption is â€Å"from the form of the behavior it takes and the consequences it achieves and can be inferred to what drive that has been stimulated or what goal is being sought† (Johnson, 1980). The ultimate goal for each subsystem is expected to be the same for all individuals. The second assumption is that each individual has a â€Å"predisposition to act, with reference to the goal, in certain ways rather than in other ways† (Johnson, 1980). This predisposition to act is labeled â€Å"set† by Johnson. The third assumption is that each subsystem has available choices or â€Å"scope of action† alternatives from which choices can be made. The fourth assumption about the behavioral subsystem is that they produce observable outcomes-that is, the individuals behavior (Johnson, 1980).The observable behaviors allow an outsider to note the actions the individual is taking to reach a goal related to a specified SS. In addition, each of the SSs has three functional requirements. First, each subsystem must be â€Å"protected from noxious influences with which the system cannot cope† (Johnson, 1980). Second, each subsystem must be â€Å"nurtured through the input of appropriate supplies from the environment.† Finally each subsystem must be â€Å"stimulated for use to enhance growth and prevent stagnation.† As long as the SSs are meeting these requirements, the system and the SSs are viewed as self-maintaining and self- perpetuating. The internal and external environments of the system need to remain orderly and predictable for the system to maintain homeostasis. The interrelationships  of the structural elements of the subsystem to maintain a balance that is adaptive to that individual’s needs. Johnson’s Behavioral Subsystems, The Attachment subsystem is probably the most critical, because it forms the basis for all social organization. It provides survival and security. Its consequences are social inclusion, intimacy, and formation and maintenance of a strong social bond. The Achievement subsystem attempts to manipulate the environment. Its function is control or mastery of an aspect of self or environment to some standard of excellence. Areas of achievement behavior include intellectual, physical, creative, mechanical, and social skills. The Aggressive subsystem function is protection and preservation. It holds that aggressive behavior is not only learned, but has a primary intent to harm others. However, society has placed limits when dealing with self-protection and that people and their property be respected and protected. The Dependency subsystem promotes helping behavior that calls for a nurturing response. Its consequences are approval, attention or recognition, and physical assistance. Ultimately, dependency behavior develops from the complete reliance on others for certain resources essential for survival. An imbalance in a behavioral subsystem produces tension, which results in disequilibrium. The Sexual subsystem has the dual functions of procreation and gratification. It begins with the development of gender role identity and includes the broad range of sex role behaviors (Johnson, 1980).When there is an alteration in the â€Å"equilibrium† that exists, Johnson’s Model tends to diagnose to a subsystem rather than a specific problem. Johnson’s Model states that it is at this point when the nurse is needed in order to return the client to homeostasis (Conner et al., 1994). Nursing activities are a balance of medicine, not dependent on it. A person is viewed as a behavioral system with patterned, repetitive, and purposeful ways of behaving that link him to the environment (Johnson,1980). A person is a system of interdependent parts that requires some regularity and adjustment to maintain a balance (Johnson, 1980). Health is perceived as an â€Å"elusive,  dynamic state influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors. It focuses on the per son rather than the illness (Conner et al., 1994). It consists of all the factors that are not part of the individual’s behavioral system but that influence the system and the nurse to achieve the health goal for the patient. In conclusion, Johnson’s theory could help direct the future of nursing theories, models, research, and education. By focusing on behavioral rather than biology, the theory clearly separates nursing from medicine. But do we need to separate the behavioral from the biological? It can be a huge help and has been proven by Johnson and some of her followers. In order to focus on the holistic idea of nursing, it is important to think of the behavioral and biological together as a whole. We cannot look at one without looking at the other.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Abandoned Dog’s 3-Year Wait for Owners Ends in Finding a New Home

†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ENG 101H December 2, 2012 ABANDONED DOG'S 3-YEAR WAIT FOR OWNERS ENDS WITH NEW HOME The story that I want to share today is regarding an abandoned dog that waited three years for his owners to return to their house. When moving to another town, Chen was left abandoned in the house. He wondered around the property for three years, waiting for them to come back, sleeping in the carport and scavenging food scraps from a nearby grocery store. After years of waiting, a neighbor told Lisa Rendstrom from Chap’s Chow Rescue Foundation what was happening to Chen.She came to the site and bit by bit gained the dog’s trust and affection. She took him the their shelter where she started searching for a new owner to adopt the wonderful animal. It didn’t take long, because Ben Rupp saw his photo online, immediately felt a connection between them and flew to Georgia to take him. Chen is happy now, having a new home in Ohio, with an owner who f ell in love with him the moment he saw him. This story reminds me of a movie that is one of the most emotional movie that I have even seen : â€Å"Hachi, a dog tale†.Based on a true story from Japan, Richard Gere stars this great movie as a college professor who finds an abandoned dog and takes the poor lost animal in. The film follows the two as the man and animal soon form a strong and unexplainable bond. Every morning, the dog used to walk his owner to the train station and expect for him to arrive back from work, in the afternoon. But when, one day, the owner doesn’t arrive, having suffered a heart-attack and died at work, the dog keeps waiting in the train station for him.Days pass and the animal would not leave, even though his owner’s family put efforts in getting him home. The dog kept returning in the morning and in the afternoon, waiting for the train to arrive and his owner. After nine years of waiting in the same place, he dies in the train station. Hachi is a film about loyalty and the rare, invincible bonds that occasionally form almost instantaneously in the most unlikely places. Although most people are aware that there are more dogs and cats being born than there are people willing to adopt them, the actual number of unwanted dogs and cats is staggering.About 62 percent of all households in the United States have a pet and about 78. 2 million dogs and about 86. 4 million cats are owned in the United States. (ASPCA. org) Approximately 5 million to 7 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year, and approximately 3 million to 4 million are euthanized (60 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats). (AnimalWorldNetwork. com) The connection that forms between a human and his pet animal cannot be described in words.But the question remains: Do our dogs feel the same things that we feel? In â€Å"The Botany of Desire,† author Michael Pollan observes that there are tens of millions of dogs in North Ame rica and only ten thousand wolves. He asks, â€Å"So what does the dog know about getting along in this world that its wild ancestor doesn’t? † The best explanation for everything canine, from the evolution of the wolf to the domestication of the dog — to the incredible emotional relationship that has emerged between the modern pet and its owner — is that dogs feel what we feel.Dogs have long been considered â€Å"man's best friend,† and they have certainly earned the title. The bond between humans and canines is unmistakable. Since the domestication of the dog, people have been drawn to them (and they to us). Dogs have helped us in so many ways and expect little in return. They have hunted with us, kept vermin and pests away, served the military and police, assisted the disabled, and faithfully remained our loyal companions. In turn, we care for them and maintain good quality of life.This is more than a fair trade. The bond you have with your dog begins the moment he comes into your life and never stops growing. And the two materials presented above prove that this is a â€Å"till death do us part† bond! The link to the web-material is: http://www. mnn. com/family/pets/stories/abandoned-dogs-3-year-wait-for-owners-ends-with-new-home Works Cited AnimalWorldNetwork. com. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. animalworldnetwork. com/bsurpetstat. html ASPCA. org. (n. d. ). Retrieved December 2, 2012, from www. apsca. org Abandoned Dog’s 3-Year Wait for Owners Ends in Finding a New Home †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ENG 101H December 2, 2012 ABANDONED DOG'S 3-YEAR WAIT FOR OWNERS ENDS WITH NEW HOME The story that I want to share today is regarding an abandoned dog that waited three years for his owners to return to their house. When moving to another town, Chen was left abandoned in the house. He wondered around the property for three years, waiting for them to come back, sleeping in the carport and scavenging food scraps from a nearby grocery store. After years of waiting, a neighbor told Lisa Rendstrom from Chap’s Chow Rescue Foundation what was happening to Chen.She came to the site and bit by bit gained the dog’s trust and affection. She took him the their shelter where she started searching for a new owner to adopt the wonderful animal. It didn’t take long, because Ben Rupp saw his photo online, immediately felt a connection between them and flew to Georgia to take him. Chen is happy now, having a new home in Ohio, with an owner who f ell in love with him the moment he saw him. This story reminds me of a movie that is one of the most emotional movie that I have even seen : â€Å"Hachi, a dog tale†.Based on a true story from Japan, Richard Gere stars this great movie as a college professor who finds an abandoned dog and takes the poor lost animal in. The film follows the two as the man and animal soon form a strong and unexplainable bond. Every morning, the dog used to walk his owner to the train station and expect for him to arrive back from work, in the afternoon. But when, one day, the owner doesn’t arrive, having suffered a heart-attack and died at work, the dog keeps waiting in the train station for him.Days pass and the animal would not leave, even though his owner’s family put efforts in getting him home. The dog kept returning in the morning and in the afternoon, waiting for the train to arrive and his owner. After nine years of waiting in the same place, he dies in the train station. Hachi is a film about loyalty and the rare, invincible bonds that occasionally form almost instantaneously in the most unlikely places. Although most people are aware that there are more dogs and cats being born than there are people willing to adopt them, the actual number of unwanted dogs and cats is staggering.About 62 percent of all households in the United States have a pet and about 78. 2 million dogs and about 86. 4 million cats are owned in the United States. (ASPCA. org) Approximately 5 million to 7 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year, and approximately 3 million to 4 million are euthanized (60 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats). (AnimalWorldNetwork. com) The connection that forms between a human and his pet animal cannot be described in words.But the question remains: Do our dogs feel the same things that we feel? In â€Å"The Botany of Desire,† author Michael Pollan observes that there are tens of millions of dogs in North Ame rica and only ten thousand wolves. He asks, â€Å"So what does the dog know about getting along in this world that its wild ancestor doesn’t? † The best explanation for everything canine, from the evolution of the wolf to the domestication of the dog — to the incredible emotional relationship that has emerged between the modern pet and its owner — is that dogs feel what we feel.Dogs have long been considered â€Å"man's best friend,† and they have certainly earned the title. The bond between humans and canines is unmistakable. Since the domestication of the dog, people have been drawn to them (and they to us). Dogs have helped us in so many ways and expect little in return. They have hunted with us, kept vermin and pests away, served the military and police, assisted the disabled, and faithfully remained our loyal companions. In turn, we care for them and maintain good quality of life.This is more than a fair trade. The bond you have with your dog begins the moment he comes into your life and never stops growing. And the two materials presented above prove that this is a â€Å"till death do us part† bond! The link to the web-material is: http://www. mnn. com/family/pets/stories/abandoned-dogs-3-year-wait-for-owners-ends-with-new-home Works Cited AnimalWorldNetwork. com. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. animalworldnetwork. com/bsurpetstat. html ASPCA. org. (n. d. ). Retrieved December 2, 2012, from www. apsca. org